Friday, November 8, 2013

John Lewis Blogger Secret Santa

Hello my lovelies, hope you've all had a fantastic week. I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice, but Christmas is now slowly creeping up on us, and with the nights drawing in, the weather getting colder and the shops beginning to fill up with all manner of Christmas goodies, I for one am beginning to get a little bit excited.
So when I was contacted on behalf of John Lewis and invited to join in their Blogger Secret Santa, I absolutely jumped at the chance to get involved - what could be more exciting than surprising another lovely blogger with some gorgeous goodies, and receiving an exciting mystery gift to unwrap in return? I think it's a lovely idea, and a great way to get people into the Christmas spirit early on in the festive season.
So, how does it work? Well, within the next couple of days, I will be finding out which lucky lady (or man) I'm buying for, and will then be given forty-eight hours to select a gift for them from the John Lewis website. Obviously, this will involve much digging and researching on my part, as obviously I want to get it just right and surprise them with something that suits them down to a tee, whether it has been on their wish list for a long while, or is a brand new launch which might just blow them away. Either way, I've already been trawling the John Lewis website, and am going to be spoilt for choice with all the gorgeous options available!
 On the 25th November, the gift will be sent off to be popped down the mystery blogger's chimney, and another will be winging it's way to me!
Christmas has definitely come early, and I can't wait to share the results with you. 

Are you taking part in the John Lewis Blogger Secret Santa, or any other secret gift swap?



  1. This sounds like such a nice idea! I love all things Christmas haha x

    9 out of ten | follow me on bloglovin

  2. That sounds like an amazing idea. Props to John Lewis! :) xxo

    The Edge of Beauty

  3. Oh blimey I really like the sounds of this, I wish I was involved too haha! :)
    I can't wait to see what you get :)
    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing-

  4. So good to have you back! This John Lewis malarky sounds good, I'm not in I'm afraid :( but it sounds fab all the same! x


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