Saturday, October 13, 2012

And Relax....

If you read my October Agenda post on Sunday, you'll be aware that I, like many other bloggers, suffer somewhat from anxiety. It's not a constant thing, but at times it can affect me on a daily basis, making it really difficult for me to relax. I'm not necessarily constantly worried or stressed out about specific things (although I am a worrier by nature), but whether or not there is something on my mind, I do still suffer from the physical symptoms of anxiety, and even if I'm supposedly 'chilling out' on the sofa, I often find that both my mind and body refuse to relax. During the week, I long for the weekend, but come Monday I am already pining for another one, as I didn't manage to de-stress at all!
So, for those of you who can identify with what I'm talking about, and also for those of you who just feel a little bit stressed out at times, as everyone does, I thought I'd share with you some of the things that help to get me through and chill me out!

Rescue Remedy is my little secret weapon, and I carry it with me wherever I go. Whenever I start to feel the onset of that jittery, uneasy feeling, a couple of drops of this on the tongue often do the job. Sometimes, I've even forgotten about it after a few minutes. However, it's not a miracle worker, and on those days where the feeling is just too strong - which for me tend to be during the week before THAT time in the month - it doesn't cut the mustard, and on those occasions I have to employ some other tactics to get me through.

Chamomile tea is something else that I always pop in my handbag, just in case, and in fact, I try to drink several cups throughout the day with the idea that prevention is better than cure. I actually used to drink this before bed when I had sleeping problems in the past (it's great for that), but had somehow forgotten I had some in the cupboard until I spoke to @ladyloula on Twitter last week, so thank you for the reminder lovely! Chamomile is nice and calming, and there's something really relaxing about sipping a nice warm cup of it when you are not feeling at your best.

Scented candles are really nice for those evenings when you're able to have a bit of me-time. Your me-time can involve anything that you find pleasurable (oo er, I'm not talking about that!), or that takes your mind off things. For me, that involves slapping on a facemask, making myself a cuppa and sitting down to read some blogs and write some posts of my own, with maybe a few Youtube videos thrown in. Having the aroma of a lovely scented candle wafting around the room while I do so just makes things all the more enjoyable and pleasant, and scents such as sandalwood, bergamot and lavender are all supposed to have calming effects.

I was reluctant to add this one in as I know it's a cliche, and it has taken me until this week to actually give in and give it a try. I did try a yoga class many moons ago, but it wasn't for me at the time. However, having given it a try, I do have to admit that is has calming effects. One thing I will say, though, is that this probably isn't the thing to start doing when you are already feeling jittery or anxious, but rather as a daily exercise, again with the idea that prevention is better than cure.

Exercise is supposed to be the best thing people who suffer from stress or anxiety can do for themselves. Not only does it stimulate the release of feel-good hormones endorphins in the brain, but it also gets your circulation going and leaves you with a general feel-good sensation. I also find that I'm more able to relax after exercise simply because I know I've done it, so it's one less thing to feel guilty about not doing!
Now, if you're like me, you might find that getting yourself all out of breath and having your heart pounding can, at times, only serve to set off the anxiety, so i'd suggest just going for a brisk walk on those days and then trying to step things up a bit whenever you feel better. The thing to remember is that it's normal for your heart to beat that fast when you have been exercising and that actually, it only means you are doing good for your body - and your mind.

Supplements-wise, a daily dose of vitamin B complex and  magnesium are said to help support the nervous system as well as minimising the effects of stress and anxiety (deficiencies in either of these could even be responsible for the onset of your symptoms!).
Omega 3 is also great for this, and if anyone suffers from depression then this is apparently a good one for you, too.

A couple of quick 'don'ts' for you.
It may be tempting to turn to wine, chocolate or cake to help you unwind - and I must admit, I am prone to doing this myself! - but actually, both of these can exacerbate your anxiety, thanks to the alcohol and sugar in them. Coffee is another one to steer clear of when you are feeling on edge, and the same goes for energy drinks.
Personally, I won't deprive myself of chocolate and wine completely if I  feel that that is what I want, but I will limit myself to just one glass and a few squares. Anyone who feels anxious on occasion will know what a horrible feeling it is, and how it makes you feel you'd do anything to be rid of it, so I'm not about to knowingly make things worse for myself.

Another one I have got to mention is herbal remedies containing Valerian. Now, I'm aware that this won't be the case for everyone, and for some of you this may even be the answer to your troubles. But in my case, it most definitely was not. I bought myself some Kalms tablets, which are supposed to promote relaxation and natural sleep, and I can tell you that for me, they made things a zillion times worse. They gave me such a horrible, tense feeling in my chest and I just couldn't relax one bit, and I know that I am not the only one as I have heard the same thing from one or two other bloggers. So just a heads up - they might work for you, but be aware that they also might not.

That's about my tuppence worth on relaxation, I think. I am by absolutely no means an expert on this - if I was, then I wouldn't actually need to be trying all these methods in the first place now, would I?
One last thing I will say before I go, though, is: Never forget the importance of me-time. Set aside an evening per week and dedicate it all to yourself. Have a hot bubble bath, read a good book, bake, blog - whatever it is that you love doing. Spoil yourself a bit, because let's be honest, we all deserve it sometimes, don't we?



  1. This is such a lovely post, been debating over the drops for absolute ages and with the dissertation time I might need to snap them! x

    1. Thank you hun, good luck with the dissertation and I hope the Rescue Remedy helps! Seriously, don't debate any more - snap them up, they're not expensive and they do make a diffference :)xx

  2. Such a lovely post. I suffer from anxiety and feel stressed everyday of the week. Well monday to friday anyway. Thanks for the tips.

    1. Me too lovely, it's awful isn't it!? Do let me know if the tips help you at all. I'm actually really surprised to learn that so many bloggers are in a similar situation and whilst it sucks, it's also reassuring to know there are lots of us!xx

  3. What a great post! It's so important to have 'me time'.
    I used to do yoga and I did find it takes your mind off things, but I did an aerobic type one so it didn't help me relax lol. I do a class now which is a mixture of pilates, yoga and tai chai and I love it! It has a meditation session at the end which is so relaxing it nearly sends me to sleep!!xx

    1. That sounds really lovely, what's it called? I will have to give it a try if there's one near me as it sounds like just what I need!xx

  4. I know just what your talking about. Mine is so bad im on medication and seeing my dr for it. Ive never heard of these drops, i think ill read into them:) Thankyou.

    Found your blog via bloghop.

    Lorna xxx

    1. I really hope the medication is helping lovely, do let me know if the drops work for you xx

  5. Brilliant post Mel - I can completely identify, being a fellow worrier (which I have to say has only got worse since having my kids!)must be hormone imbalance or something! I've taken Vit B complex for years and also Omega 3s on and off. Your idea of 'me time' sounds exactly like mine! I do swear by my exercise, it seems to keep me going and clears my head - never exercised in my younger days and wish I had - still it's never too late I guess, love my endorphins now! xx

    1. Yes, sometimes I really have to force myself to exercise but I know that if I do then I will have a better day, and knowing that I won't feel as anxious at work makes it worth it!
      Oh dear, I think I am going to lose it when I have kids, ha. I can imagine it gives you so much more to worry about but I bet you do a great job anyway :)xx

  6. I think I definitely need to try some of these tactics - my anxiety always gets worse as winter approaches so the me time in particular sounds perfect x

    1. I didn't realise you were a fellow sufferer hun, it's so frustrating to live with, isn't it. Give some of these a try, I'd love to know if you find they help at all, and if you ever need to chat then feel free to mail me or get me on Twitter :)xx

  7. These were some really handy tips, I have to say! I suffer from a lot of anxiety and social anxiety particularly, and I definitely found Bach's Rescue Remedy to be very helpful in reducing the general symptoms of anxiety (tight chest, shaking, etc), and honestly, doing yoga daily (I don't go to classes, just do some first thing in the morning and occasionally in the evening) has seriously made my life so much easier.
    I've never tried Omega 3, but will definitely be picking some up, hopefully it'll help :) hope your anxiety's improving lovely xx

    1. I didn't know you suffered from this too hun, it's such a pain isn't it!? I need to get serious with the yoga and build it into my daily routine but it's so hard getting some quiet time alone to do it! I have been trying to at least do some deep breathing though and I'm finding that helps.
      If you ever need to chat about this then I'm always there on Twitter, it's nice to know that there are other people out there who understand - at first I seriously thought it was just me!xx

  8. What a great post. I got into the habit over summer of lighting candles and drinking chamomile, but I've started forgetting and I can tell the difference. I need posts like this to remind me of good habits! x

    1. This is what happens with me - I start out with the best intentions and am really thorough but then after a while things seem to gradually tail off - and then I wonder why I'm suddenly feeling more stressed and anxious! Glad you enjoyed the post lovely :)xx

  9. Fabulous post sweets and some great tips on relaxing. Was lovely speaking to you the other evening about feeling anxious etc. I think I need to get my hands on the Bach's rescue remedy as I've heard so many good things about it. Exercsing definitley helps me to unwind a little and helps to take my mind else where. Hope things have been going ok with your anxiety lovely xx

    1. Thanks hun, it was great to speak to you too and always nice to know there is someone who understands. Definitely do try the Rescue Remedy as it's a lifesaver for me, perhaps it's just the placebo effect but it seems to do the trick as long as what I'm feeling is not too strong.xx

  10. I have anxiety,panic attacks too! I have actual prescribed medication but I find that the rescue remedy products are really good too :) and some good music ha,funny what helps :) x

    1. I was recently prescribed some medication for mine, but it made me feel a zillion times worse and really depressed! Needless to stay, I stopped takin it pretty sharpish, and I'm put off trying any more :(
      Yes, you are so right about music, it's so nice to just pop some on and have a good sing along in an empty house, haha. You soon forget the bad stuff xx


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